Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 8 - Korça (incl Mborja)

There was no rush to get out of bed this morning as I had already decided to spend two nights in Korça. For my breakfast I visited the restaurant 'Shtepia Voskopojare' (behind the Cathedral) & tried Korça's speciality of 'Kernaca' (spicy sausages). I ordered six & they were delivered on a plate garnished with onions & they were absolutely delicious (300 lek). Much better than the ones I had earlier in Përmeti.

'Kernaca' at Shtepia Voskopojare restaurant

After my breakfast I headed to the market area of town, & this time it was great to see it in full swing. It was amazing to see all the weird & wonderful things being sold, especially all the shoes all stood to attention! I ventured towards the back of the market where all the fruit & vegetable stalls were located & had a bit of banter with some of the stall holders! I then headed indoors to the amazing cheese & honey market. I was given a few free samples to try, the cheese was amazing.

Market area of Korça

Market area of Korça

Market area of Korça

Market area of Korça & friendly stall holders!

The indoor cheese market in Korça

After visiting the market I then decided to head south (past the Birra Korca Brewery) & towards the village of Mborja to take a look at the 13th century St Mary’s Church. When I arrived there were a few Italians already taking some photographs & they had already asked the local shop keeper for the key, so we all sat in the sun while we waited. There were some elderly locals outside playing cards which made for an interesting photograph with the church in the background. When we were finally let inside we were all quite amazed with the interior & the vibrant frescoes, especially the gruesome one that greet you as enter!

13th Century St Mary's Church in Mborja

Frescos inside the 13th Century St Mary's Church in Mborja

Frescos inside the 13th Century St Mary's Church in Mborja

Later the Italians left in their 4x4 & I continued to keep walking through the village. Eventually I started to climb up through the mountains (heading east) & following a small stream that had tiny waterfalls along the way. On my travels I met a couple of locals on horseback who had obviously been into the forest to chop some wood, as the horses were laden with logs & a chain saw! After about an hour I came across someone's 'makeshift' house (bedding inside), that looked abandoned. I continued to walk for a further hour & a half still following the length of the stream before deciding to head back. It was a great afternoon's hike.

A friendly goat! (Hiking east away from the village of Mborja into the mountains)

Morava Mountains in Korça

Morava Mountains in Korça

Morava Mountains in Korça

When I arrived back in Korça (about 3pm), I was really hungry so I visited the small takeaway place to the left of my hotel on Midhi Kostani Rd & ordered a 'Gjiro' (150 lek), which basically is a donor kebab with chips. The place seemed very popular as the owner was kept busy with a constant stream of customers. I was still hungry afterwards & so I headed along Gjergj Kastrioti Rd & visited another takeaway place (opposite my hotel) & I had my best byrek yet (& a slice of pizza!) All served by a very nice lady.

I have caught the sun a little too much today, so will need to try & keep out of it for a few days. I decided not to bother going out in the evening & have an early night.

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